Lab Test Equipment
We specialize in weapon research and development through scaled testing and modeling that allows for the data collection of warhead and payload environments during the penetration events.
Hopkinson Bars
Our Hopkinson pressure bar systems are developed to provide exceptional precision and accuracy with bar diameters of 7 to 76 mm.

Unconfined Systems
We developed our unconfined Hopkinson bar system with precision and ease of use in mind and for testing tensile and compression strengths at strain rates in the ~102–103 s-1.

Confined Systems
To test strain rates above 1 s-1, we developed a confining pressure module for our unconfined system. Our confined module is capable of applying up to 400 MPa (58,000 psi) of confining pressure to test materials

Laser Velocity Systems
Our precision laser velocity system measures the striker bar of a Hopkinson bar system so test operators can have complete control of the repeatability of tests.
Fast-Acting Valves
Our highly reliable, state-of-the-art fast acting spool values can operate completely independently of inlet pressure with opening times of less than 2 msec.

Spool Valves
Valves that operate independently of inlet pressure with opening times of less than 2 msec and pressures up to 6,000 psi.

Blast Load Valves
Our blast load valves do not discharge debris or require replacement of rupture disks for each experiment like rupture disks or pyrotechnic generation systems.
Triaxial Devices and Pressure Intensifiers
Our triaxial systems incorporate load frames, confining vessels, pressure intensifiers, hydraulic pressure systems, and servo-hydraulic control systems.

Triaxial Devices
DSR pressure intensifiers can amplify hydraulic pressures up to 145,000 psi. Our intensifier systems are used by researchers to explore the response of man-made and geologic materials at high pressures.

Pressure Intensifiers
DSR pressure intensifiers can amplify hydraulic pressures up to 145,000 psi. Our intensifier systems are used by researchers to explore the response of man-made and geologic materials at high pressures.
More Solutions
Data Recorders
Test your ballistic environments with world-class data recorders that can withstand any environment.
Penetration Mechanics
We unitize our world-class data recorders to test the ballistic environments of various weapon payloads.